Non-Competition Agreements

Waging Guerrilla Warfare for you!

Non-Competition Agreements

For a variety of reasons, including sale of a business or as part of an employment agreement, entities or individuals have entered into a non-competition agreement. The Weinberg Law Firm has been involved in both the prosecution and defense of claims of breach of non-competition agreements in the biotechnology, medical and the automotive industry.

Aggressive litigation tactics as well as carefully learning all of the relevant facts have enabled us to resolve cases on very favorable terms for clients.



Picture of John Weinberg

John Weinberg

The Weinberg Law Firm is led by former Special Assistant United States Attorney and Honorably retired Naval Officer John Weinberg.

Non-Competition Agreements Frequently Asked Questions !!

A person or business using another’s confidential proprietary information.

By providing evidence in writing or by testimony.

Yes, this agreement obligates the third party not to engage in conduct which could be deemed competition.

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